Angus beef with carrot, green beans, cauliflower, tomato, and zucchini is a high-quality dog food with 65% beef and nutrient-rich vegetables. It promotes your dog's health and well-being.
High-quality mix of meat and beef offal, ideal for active dogs. Contains natural ingredients without chemical additives.
DIBO Head Meat offers a high-quality protein source for dogs, made from fresh beef and free from chemical additives.
This natural dog food is made without chemical additives and preservatives, making it ideal for BARF feeding.
Premium frozen meat for dogs, developed in collaboration with breeders and dog handlers. It consists of beef, head meat, tripe, and omasum, and is free from chemical additives.
This green beef tripe provides a natural source of proteins and nutrients that contribute to your dog's health and vitality.
Discover our high-quality beef muscle meat for a natural and balanced diet for your dogs and cats. Rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Perfect for BARF.